Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Another note

WAtching CAsh CAb, that show where the guy drives people around NYC, quizzing them for money. End of the show, last 15 minutes, and three girls get in th cab. And they are stupid. I mean, they are sooooooooooo stoopid.

They are missing the most obvious stuff. They are asked what tax is levied on the sale of a stock. "An income tax?" one surmises, "because, you know, it is income!" They do what's called a street shout-out, where they get help from someone on the sidewalk. The guy they ask answers "Capital gains tax," as if they were kidding him or something.

So they got two strikes, three and they're out, and the next question is "What time-travelling Vonnegut novel takes place both on another planet and in a WWII POW camp?"

They are tossing out titles, some of which aren't even by Vonnegut, and one of 'em says "OK, guys, we gotta know this one. We work at The New Yorker . . . "

. . . .

The fucking New Yorker.

OK. That explains everything.

(Their answer? Cat's Cradle.)


Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

Slaughterhouse 5?

Cat's Cradle is the only Vonnegut I've ever read. That IS the Ice 9 one right? Yeah, I didn't get it. I've heard that Breakfast of Champions is the one I'd like. IF that's even Vonnegut.

5:28 PM  
Blogger Bobo the Wandering Pallbearer said...

Cat's Cradle is the Ice 9 one; Breakfast of Champions is the one people tell you you should read, largely because it's impossible to describe (and yeah, it's Vonnegut). Slaughterhouse 5 is Vonnegut's anti-war novel, and, in my opionion, if you'd ever read it, you'd never forget it. Which is why those dumb bitches who work for the New Yorker are so despicable.

7:46 AM  

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