Sunday, December 17, 2006

10 Weird Things I Hate About You

So the Doc tagged me. Oddly, unfortunately, the tags to those he tagged don't work, apparently because Blogger sometimes insists on ruining tags. But the Meme is "10 Weird Things About Me," so off we go.

  1. I almost never ever use the numbers of bullets function when I am writing in Word, but I use it here all the time.
  2. I watch war movies because I hate war. I am a militant passivist. The only reason to think that any war is a good idea is because you're STOOPID.
  3. I have to eat. I get hungry, I get cranky, I get angry, and I have to eat or I will hurt the people who are keeping me from eating. And I will never eat a meal that doesn't include some kind of animal protein. I consider it immoral to consider doing so. (Except for, like, black beans and rice, but that'll have sour cream and cheese and stuff on it.)
  4. I love geography. I mean, there are places on this earth where the landscape just stones me, blows my mind. And I like going back to those places again and again and again, like some kind of landscape junkie. (One of these places is the Mertopolitan Musem of Art in New York, where I get stones gazing upon allllllll the gorgeous 19th Century American Landscapes.)
  5. I drive cars to performance. That is to say, pretty much every car I drive, I drive it as fast and tight as the car is capable of going. I think it is a sin to drive badly. God will judge ye.
  6. I am a life-long insomniac, but I like getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night. (I don't like staying up late anymore either, except when I am visiting somewhere else, and then I try to sleep as little as possible.)
  7. I love America, and one of the main reasons I love it is that most Americans don't seem to understand how incredibly good they have it. This is one of the hardest countries in the world to seriously bitch about. (Without cranking into some zany conspiracy theory or another about how the CIA is responsible for everything going wrong in the rest of the world.) (Which is just wrong. The CIA couldn't find it's ass with both hands.) I also hate hate hate hate hate "patriots."
  8. Three things I cannot live without: mints, gum and water. (People who knew me in college and grad school would probably find that intensely weird.) (Maybe not the gum part, but definitely the mints and the water.) And I'm saying these are things I have to have around me at all times, in bulk if possible.
  9. I am musical. That is by way of saying: I listen to every piece of music with rapt attention. I can very often identify not only a musician, but what kind of instrument (brand, model) he/she is playing.
  10. I am impatient. Not like you are impatient, but like I am impatient. The whole world is standing in my way. MOVE!!!

So that's that. I guess I am supposed to tag 6 people now. Eh. I don't feel like it. I will come back and tag some people later.


Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

3,5,6 & 10 are all connected methinks.

4:47 AM  
Blogger anika said...

I am so with you on the eating. I get so ugly if I haven't eaten for awhile.

10:42 AM  

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