Thursday, February 28, 2008

Burgeouning Signs Of Encroaching Insanity

The sandwich is the same, turkey, ham, Genoa salami, bacon, with the slight variation of white American cheese-- not cheeze, the fake stuff, but cheese, the real stuff. The beer is Red Hook ESB, of which I am a converted devotee. (The movie, which you can't make out as much as I would have hoped, is Star Trek: Insurrection. If you thought that was the sign of insanity, read on.)
The chips, as they were last time, are Utz's "The Crab Chip," which is not, in fact, flavored with or like crab. The flavoring is, basically, Old Bay crab seasoning. (They can't call it that, because, I suspect, that actual name is owned by the bastards at McCormick & Company, those pureveyors of played-out flavor dust at five dollars a glass bottle, the bastards.) Let me begin by saying: I do know better.
A corrolary to the UST (Unified Sandwich Theory), under the subheading of the Condiment Rule (No Condiment Shall Be Present In Such Quanity As To Overpower Any Other Element (Except Mustard)) is the Side Dish Treatis. This states that side dishes should be chosen to compliment the sandwich (as an entity), both in essence and portion. In this case, it is not the portion, but the essence part of the treatise I am violating.
For while "The Crab Chip" is not, in fact, drowning out the sandwich as an entity, nor unduely emphasizing or drowning out any of the component parts, it's a very strongly flavored chip. It's just wrong.
In my heart, I know it's wrong.


Blogger said...

That sandwich looks mouth-watering. However, you realize most of the crumbs are going to end up in the keyboard, right?

7:05 PM  
Blogger tiff said...

I'm totally on board with all sandwich, condiment, and side dish theories, etc. Food MUST work together, or it's a confusing mish-mash, and who wants THAT?

7:46 AM  

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