Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Eastern Enlightenment

Remember a few blogs back, when I reported that the head of China's equivalent to the FDA had been condemned to death for taking bribes?

They killed him.

As the Wifey observed: and Bush thought Scooter Libby's punishment was harsh.

But what strikes me, and strikes me as very sad, is that this guy, whatever his sins, was killed as a scapegoat for systemic ills which his death will in no way cure. For systemic sins that never should have been allowed to exist. For shit that ought to make the proud Communist state die of shame.


Blogger Jacquie said...

I know ... I was really shocked to read that headline and then as I read the article, I understand that he was responsible for many deaths due to his greed so essentially, he was a murderer but yes, they definitely made an example out of him, didn't they?

7:49 AM  

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